In the Media

Radio interview on 702

Is the state behaving in a way that mimics psychological conditions or psychological disorders?


"The Fascist state of mind – how it is emerging in our political landscape"

An identifiable trope is emerging where South Africans are having to take note of fascism. My analysis, as a clinical psychologist, is an attempt to explore fascism from a psychological position. By this I mean: what needs to happen within the mind of a person for him to gravitate towards this particular way of making sense of the world. What are the psycho-mechanics of fascism?

By Francois Rabie | Published in The Daily Maverick | 27 June 2018

"Breast envy explains why parastatals suffer attack."

Apartheid’s denial of the fruits of the state leaves a legacy of destructive greed, WRITES FRANCOIS RABIE.

Published in Business Day – 17 Dec 2015

"State and society are inundated with pain"

The capacity to tolerate mental agony must be developed, WRITES FRANCOIS RABIE.

Published in Business Day – 12 Nov 2015

What is psychotherapy anyway? A dialogue between psychoanalysts

Dr. Gerald J. Gargiulo and Dr. Amira Simha-Alpern