"The Fascist state of mind – how it is emerging in our political landscape"
An identifiable trope is emerging where South Africans are having to take note of fascism. My analysis, as a clinical psychologist, is an attempt to explore fascism from a psychological position. By this I mean: what needs to happen within the mind of a person for him to gravitate towards this particular way of making sense of the world. What are the psycho-mechanics of fascism?
By Francois Rabie | Published in The Daily Maverick | 27 June 2018
Teaching Psychoanalysis in an Era of Empiricist Psychology: Notes from Cape Town
By Francois Rabie
Published in the University of Pennsylvania’s blog entitled “Psyche on Campus”.
"State and society are inundated with pain"
The capacity to tolerate mental agony must be developed, WRITES FRANCOIS RABIE.
Published in Business Day – 12 Nov 2015
(Article no longer avaialable online, but can be obtained via Francois Rabie.)